Interest Check OpensSept 4th
Interest Check ClosesSept 23rd
Contributors Apps OpenSept 27th
Contributor Apps CloseOct 25th
JudgingOct 26th - Oct 31st
All Emails Are SentNov 4th
Waiting TimeNov 4th - Nov 6th
Creation Period StartsNov 7th
1st Check InDecember 5th
2nd Check InJanuary 5th
Final SubmissionFeb 20th
Pre Orders OpenMarch 2nd
Pre Orders CloseMarch 30th

all dates are subject to possible change


Is the Zine for-profit? Where will the profits go?

Profits will be donated to Asian Mental Health Collective.
Part of the profit will also go to the zine (i.e merch, shipping, etc).

How many Artists/Writers are you looking for?

7 artists and 3 writers for each season. So, 28 artists and 12 writers in total, with 5 merch artists. Though this is subject to change depending on circumstances.

Will the zine have a physical copy?

As for the time being, no. However, if the preorders go according to plan, we will try and get a physical zine as well.
For now, the zine will be PDF with physical merch.

Will this Zine include featured artists?
We have a list of artists we would like to get featured in the zine, we're looking forward to getting them to participate!

Do I need prior experience to participate?

No! Anyone is free to participate.

How much will the zine cost?

Digital Zine: $15 USD
Physical Zine (Stretch Goal): $25 USD
Full Bundle (Digital Zine + Physical Merch) $40 USD
Full Bundle 2 (Physical Zine + Physical Merch / Stretch Goal) $50 USD

What Ships won't be allowed in the Zine?

You can check out the ships that won't be allowed in the zine here

Will the mods contribute to the Zine as well?

Yes. Any moderator who would like to participate is free to do so.

Where will everyone be able to communicate?

A Discord Server will be made and the invite will
be sent with the acceptance emails.

Are minors allowed to apply?

Yes! Anyone over 13 is allowed to apply.

How will contributors be rewarded?

Contributors will receive a free copy of the zine, merch of their choice plus special merch (a poster or post card of their favorite ship drawn by the mods) as a way of thanking them.

Does it matter how many followers I have?

Nope! Your follower count will not matter nor affect your application.

Can contributors use old pieces for the zine?

Nope. All the pieces must be new and
specifically made for the zine.

How will the zine be organized?

The zine is going to be organized by seasons.

1. spring
2. summer
3. fall
4. winter

so, spring will be the first season to appear in the zine and
winter will be the last!

can't find an answer to your question? ask us here!


Here's a list of ships you won't be seeing (romantically) in the zine.

Kaeluc (Romantic)

Moderators are uncomfortable with this pairing as well as the discourse around it. We do not want this ship to cause discourse in the zine, which is why we’ve chosen not to include it


This one is self explanatory, we do not want any type of incest in this zine.


This one is also self explanatory. We do not want these types of ships in our zine.


Traveler Ships

We have made the decision to allow traveler ships to a certain extent. This extent being that, if it causes any discourse among the zine, we won’t include them anymore and blacklist them. As of now, traveler ships are allowed.


Ships that include Qiqi, Klee, Diona and/or Sayu are only allowed
in a platonic setting. i.e best friends hanging out.

Ships won’t be sexualized at all in this zine. This is a SFW zine and any type of NSFW is strictly prohibited.

Oc/Canon is not allowed in the zine since we want to stick with a canon-character only zine